True or False: We have a choice to be happy no matter the house we live in, the circumstances around us, or the city we reside? For the most part I'd say true. On the flip side I believe everyone deserves to be in a home that you love and are proud of. A place that provides comfort and re-energizes you. A home that makes you smile when pulling in the driveway. Here's my story and some things to ponder if you're looking for a change.
Small Town Roots
I grew up in Dickson, Tn, a population of 15K just outside Nashville. It was there I got my first girlfriend, passed my drivers test, landed my first job, and a million other firsts. I met my awesome wife in Dickson and got married at the wise old age of 20. We were deeply rooted in our local church and the people were like family. Still 20, in spite of being clueless and broke, by sheer determination & the help of a good realtor, we were blessed to buy our first house. Very basic but brand new. It was in a great location, had an open floor plan, and sat on one acre. We loved that house and lived there ten years, longer than any one place I've ever lived. Our lives were full. We were happy and never thought we'd leave. Why would we?
Big City Move
At some point something will happen in life and you will have an opportunity to take a new job, move to a different city, build a house, or do something you never thought you'd do. My next adventure began while working at a local insurance company in Dickson. The owner suffered a fatal accident and the doors closed a few years later. What's next for me I wondered? We had just purchased a vacant lot and were about to start the building process. Nashville had more job options so we decided to make a big change. Full steam ahead to big city living! We did a hard stop on building, put our home up for sale and received full price in seven days. We moved into a charming brick house on a beautiful corner lot. Our community had a pool we could walk to in just two minutes and scenic jogging trails that went alongside the river. We had some of the best memories there. To us, that house represented the blessing that comes from years of hard work and constancy.
Charleston CharmA potential job opportunity pops up in Charleston for my wife Tracy. No way I'm moving out of state I thought. I've lived here my entire life. I was nervous but after a lot of discussion and prayer, a weekend trip to scope it out seemed in order. The first thing we wanted to do was check out historic downtown so we parked the car and began to stroll. The architecture, history, and antebellum homes was blowing my mind. The city is absolutely beautiful and had a charm I've never experienced. Oh, did I mention there's beaches and water everywhere! It didn't take long to realize we had just landed somewhere special. My anxiety about a possible move began to fade and at this point I was rooting for Tracy to get the job. She got it! Our house went under contract the first weekend and we were beyond stoked. We were on our way! After selling four of my own homes and several for my clients, this one thing I know, the formula is simple but not easy. The more effort you put in, the greater the reward. Details matter! Our first weekend after moving, we visited Seacoast Church and it was an absolute perfect fit. We started volunteering, joined a small group, and quickly began to form new relationships. After six years in Charleston I still often think to myself, wow, I can't believe I live here. We totally love where we live!
What's Next?
If you've been imagining a home like I spoke of in this post, give me a call. I would love to sit down with you and your family and hear your story. We will create a customized plan, execute that plan together, and I'll help you find the home you have been daydreaming about. 843-901-1717
